How can we be thankful -if this was the worse year of our life so far?
2020 and 2021 were probably the best years of my life. 2022- has been the most difficult, challenging year of my life- starting in January. The difficulties and the pain I experienced this year- I have never experienced before. I did not know what it meant to hurt this deeply until this year.
As challenging as it was to go to Ukraine for 2 months during summer- they were truly my best months! It was a time of oasis from the personal problems I faced in U.S.
Maybe they were the best for me because focusing on helping people and bringing hope to difficult situations can help us keep our thoughts off our problems. Maybe they were the best because so many people were praying for me and I just had this supernatural grace and peace to be in Ukraine. I am so thankful for that!
I was often amazed in Ukraine how many people were still so thankful. It was usually the elderly who where especially thankful. Thankful for each day they woke up alive, thankful for family, for food… I found it amazing that people can truly be so thankful even though they are struggling and it seems all around them, the world is falling apart.
This year has truly been extremely difficult for me. November is a time when so many of us try to be thankful. And I too I would like to especially focus of being thankful!
Difficult seasons are the times of our life when we especially need to remember God’s grace and benefits and all the good things we have been through and seen in our life.
So this month of November, I would like to share some of the blessings and miracles I have experienced in my life, and just different things I am thankful for.
I truly hope you will join me in this journey- of being thankful- and seeing the good- no matter the circumstances!!
When All Your Hopes Just Crush Before You When all your hopes just crush before you When dreams just walk away from you When you are faced with great deep sorrow Do you complain- or say a thank you? To still be thankful, say a thank you Even in midst of sorrow, pain To still acknowledge God and praise Him What better way to look at life? Maybe in life- you have great hardships But in those hardships- God changed not He’s still the same, today, forever He is still faithful and He’s good! Maybe in life- in midst of problems God became small, small in your mind Because you turned your eyes on problems Instead of seeing His great might He is still King, He is Almighty He’s the Deliverer and Friend He is our Father who’s in Heaven And He still loves and cares, my friend 11/1/2022 Y. Gorelova
“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever” Hebrews 13:8