As someone who is from Ukraine- I was trying to process all that happened between the President Trump and President Zelenskyy’s meeting. Instead- I remembered HATE. Hate that I had seen in Ukraine during the first year of war- when the Lord sent me there for two months.

I saw hate that was in the eyes. Hate that rejoiced at discrimination. Hate that said “I want even the Russian children dead”.
In Ukraine- I saw bombed buildings and houses destroyed. I heard heart-wrenching stories and how they prayed to survive. I saw children with glazed eyes from the war trauma. I fought fear as I heard gunfire around me get closer and closer. I cringed when I heard war planes going over my head.
But nothing that I experienced or saw or heard had as deep impact on me as hate. Never before had I come face to face with such intense hatred and racism; and I was not prepared to face it.
So profound was the impact of seeing the hate coming from the Ukrainian people, that this is something I didn’t really talk about. It was difficult to face how many Ukrainians hated not only the Russian soldiers, but any Russian- including the innocent Russian children.
Even more difficult to face was when that hatred and racism was not only coming from Christians- but also encouraged by them.
If interested, you can read about some of my other experiences in Ukraine during war time here: and also here:
One Story of Racism
I remembered being told “When the war started”, in the place he was in, “they divided those who were evacuating into two groups: those who had a Ukrainian passport, and those who had a Russian passport”.
And he was very happy to tell me that those with Russian passport were told they will get some food only if any was left after Ukrainians received some. He was glad to tell me that mothers and children who were fleeing the war were discriminated against- simply because they had a Russian passport.
I truly hope that this was on isolated incident of racism in Ukraine.
Children’s Camp in Borodyanka, Ukraine
While in Ukraine- I had the privilege of ministering to the children of war in Borodynka- a city that was heavily bombed by Russians.

With a group of children all around me, I told them the Good Samaritan story from the Bible.
“If you saw a boy your age- laying on the ground because he was beat up by a gang, would you help him?” I asked the innocent children. Those were the answers:
“Of course!”
“Yes, I will help him!”
My curiosity got a hold of me and I made the “mistake” in asking the children the next loaded question: “What if this little boy was a Russian- and he did nothing wrong but was laying on the ground all beat up and hurt?” I was startled with their answers:
“Oh I’d kill him!”
“He deserves this!”
“All Russians need to die!”
Children were telling me that Russian children should die and deserved to be hurt- simply because they were Russian. Ukrainians were suffering. But somehow for some that suffering translated to hate of everyone Russian.
Racism and Discrimination is Wrong
If a child is abused by his parents- we all know that this does not mean that every parent is an abuser.
If a black person does evil or is a racist and discriminates – we all know that it is wrong to say “All black people are bad” and it’s wrong to assume “All blacks are racist and discriminate”.
If a white person does likewise, we all know that it is wrong to say “all white people are bad”. Likewise, it is wrong to say “All white people are racist and discriminate”.

If the government of a country does evil- we know it is wrong to say all people of that country are evil and do evil.
And yet to many Ukrainians and other Ukrainian supporters- somehow it has become OK and acceptable to hate every Russian. To hate every Russian child. To hate the Russians who had nothing to do with the war. The Russians who are simple, common human beings who are trying to live a common life. Somehow it has become OK for many to think “Racism and Discrimination is always wrong- except when that racism and discrimination is against all Russians”.
Of course, not everyone in Ukraine that I met hated all Russians. There were many who did not and even told me that.
God is Not a Respecter of Persons
God is not partial (Acts 10:34). When a person sins, He does not make a special exemption for that person and say “Well this is a unique situation- and in this county- it is totally OK for this person to break My commandments”.
God also does not say “This is wrong for everybody- except Ukrainians. It is OK for Ukrainians to be full of hate and to be racist”. God does not show favoritism. If something is wrong- it is wrong for EVERYBODY- regardless of the circumstances- and regardless of how much these people are suffering.

The sad truth is that Christians from Ukrainian background like me- have often been partial. We have remained silent when we saw, witnessed, and heard “our own Ukrainian people” be racist and be full of hate. Somehow the idea that “Suffering means it is OK to be racist and full of hate” became acceptable.
And so much of the body of Christ- the Christian church- has been silent when many are racist against all Russians and hate absolutely every person from Russian background. Being wronged by a particular people group does not give one a free license to be a racist against that entire people group.
Silence Equals Consent
When I was in Ukraine- I regret to say- that I was silent many times when I heard how others hated all Russians- including the Russian children. I didn’t always know how to answer. And the fear of being misunderstood- or called a “Russian-supporter” often kept me silent in this matter.

But I am learning that silence equals consent, and as Christian it was wrong of me to be silent when I witnessed racism and hatred against all Russians. Racism and Discrimination is always wrong- even if its during war time. And when we witness it and see it and remain silent- we are silently consenting to it.
The War in Ukraine and Hate
I kept thinking and asking, “Why am I now remembering this now? Why am I now remembering all that hate I saw in Ukraine?”
And what came to my heart is this: Hate is a hindrance. In the Spiritual World- hate is a hindrance. Hindrance that is preventing the war from ending?
It was very wrong for Russia to invade Ukraine and kill so many innocent Ukrainians. But it is also wrong for many Ukrainians to hate absolutely all Russians– including those who are absolutely innocent and had nothing to do with the war. Thankfully, not every Ukrainian hates every Russian.
I could understand if the non-Christians hate. But to those who are born-again believers and professing Christians and who still feel like they are justified in their hate:

You can hate the war. You can hate the evil that is being done and what you see and hear… You can hate what this war has done to the country, the land, and the people… You can hate the destruction it caused, the blood loss, the lost lives and dreams…
But you are not justified in your hatred towards absolutely every Russian person. Every person who was born in Russia or who has a Russian background is not the enemy.
Hate is Like an Umbrella
The image of an open umbrella came to my mind when I meditated about how hate can be a hindrance in the spiritual world.

When Hatred is Towards People
Hatred is an open umbrella
One holds over one’s head
Even if God showers blessings
They cannot to you get
Hatred is an evil umbrella
You think it is helping you
You think you will not be harmed
By keeping it over your head
Hatred is a hindrance
It harms more you then them
The more you to it hold on
The more you will lose in life
Unite to Pray that Christians in Ukraine and Russia to Give Up Their Hate
If the war ends today and Ukraine gets 100% of their land back, and the land is free from the shooting, the bombs, the gunfire, the bloodshed, – many will still not be free in their heart if they have hatred. The Ukrainian land might be free- but individuals holding on to hate will not be free. They will continue to be imprisoned by hatred.

If you are a non-Slavic Christian reading this, you might be surprised to hear that this intense hatred of all Russian people is coming not only from non-believers. This hatred is also coming from many Christians, our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

Maybe we only prayed that the war will quickly end. But I believe the Lord is calling us believers to support our brothers and sisters in Christ in Ukraine- (and in America and throughout the world where Ukrainians are) in a different kind of prayer. A prayer maybe none of us thought of praying before. For many it impossible for them to stop hating- the wounds are too deep and the pain too severe. They need God’s help in this. It will take supernatural help. Most of us have not tasted their anguish and intense suffering and the kind of hatred many of them are holding on to.

And while we should not stop praying for the war to end and for peace, if it is in your heart to join in this prayer, please do:
Father, we come to You in the Name of Jesus. We thank You for the many people in Ukraine who chose to not hold on to hate. Who are walking in victory over hate, bitterness, and unforgiveness. We pray You strengthen them. Thank You for the many whose light is shining brightly in such dark, dangerous, and difficult circumstances.
We pray now for the many who are holding on to hate. We especially pray for every believer in Christ. We ask You for Your mercy now. We ask for mercy for those who feel very justified in their hatred- and encourage hatred- and who are not yet ready to let it go. Lord, have mercy on them. We pray You help them to not only fold that umbrella of hatred that they have been holding on to but give it to You. To completely let go of hatred.

We pray the stronghold of hatred be broken off the Ukrainian people in the Name of Jesus
We pray for the strength and miraculous power to forgive those who have wronged them so deeply and intensely
We especially ask You to help them to let go of hatred of every Russian person who had nothing to do with the war, who actually hates this war, but is hated simply because they are Russian.
Hatred BE GONE in the Name of Jesus
Be GONE from every Ukrainian believer, from the land, from every person- in the Name of Jesus. We pray that the hearts soften, and they will understand that holding on to hatred is not the answer.
We speak freedom and peace over Ukraine in the Name of Jesus. We speak Your Comfort and Consolation and Your supernatural and complete Healing of hearts and minds and bodies. We pray trauma be broken off of them completely in the Name of Jesus.
We say Your Kingdom, and Your will be done in Ukraine in the Name of Jesus. In Your Kingdom there is righteousness, joy, and peace in the Holy Ghost. So we speak Righteousness, joy, and peace over Ukraine in the Name of Jesus.

Please share with anyone you know who will be interested in agreeing in prayer regarding this.
Beautifully done my sweet friend.
Thank you for your encouraging words!! This was one of the most difficult things I have ever written and shared… but I really felt like I needed to share this.
Words well spoken (written). What a blessing you are.
Thank you! I appreciate your comment🙏
What an eye opener and beautiful said 🙏🏾
Thank you!!