Standing Strong: A Journey Through Life’s Storms

The Tree Stood

When the storms of life
Me hit so fiercely
When I was rejected
Wounded deep

When of top of that
There was this season
Of so many tears
And hardships, loss

When my faith was shaken
Shaken fiercely
And the Enemy
Tried to kill, steal

Later on, I this
Confessed to God
“God I’m sorry
That I doubted, fell”

But instead of a rebuke
Surprised was
He me answered
“You fell not- but stood”


I had felt
That I was like a tree
That was beaten
Harshly by the storms

And I barely stood
I was so beaten
But I stood
Because the roots were deep

And those roots
I did not feel them, saw
I saw leaves that fell
And branches broken

I saw tree that
Beaten was so much
God saw roots
And by His grace- tree stood

I had prayed
Lord help me to see You
To see You
For who You truly are

For right now
I see You through my pain
And it hurts so much
I can’t see clear

Help me Lord
I pray You help me always
To get deeper grounded
In You Lord

In Your Word
I want to grounded be
And to stand
When storms of life hit me

  “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” John 10:10 NKJV

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