Teach Me How to Taste Your Goodness

 Teach me how to taste Your goodness
 For You Lord- are always good
 But I this have doubted often
 I Your goodness- doubted much
 Teach me how to taste Your goodness
 Even when life is so hard
 Even when I face great sorrow 
 Of Your sufferings partake
 Teach me how to taste Your goodness
 Double-minded not to be
 To believe- be single minded
 That You, Lord, are always good
 Teach me how to taste Your goodness
 Taste it daily- not just once
 For Your goodness- it me follows
 It me follows everyday
 Teach me how to taste Your goodness
 Taste it often- resist not
 To not stand- just look at goodness
 But receive it and it taste
 Teach me how to taste Your goodness
 Taste it often- to believe
 Lay aside my self-will, pride
 And with humbleness, taste goodness
 Teach me how to taste Your goodness
 With humility it taste
 To taste goodness and to praise You
 For You Lord are always good!  

“A double minded man is unstable in all his ways” James 1:8

O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in Him” Psalm 34:8

“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever” Psalm 23:6

“For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on Him, but also to suffer for His sake” Philippians 1:29 

“Because Thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise Thee. Thus will I bless Thee while I live: I will lift up my hands in Thy name. My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness; and my mouth shall praise Thee with joyful lips: When I remember Thee upon my bed, and meditate on Thee in the night watches” Psalm 63:3-6

  • Lord, help me to not be double minded- to say I believe that You are good, and doubt Your goodness when things are difficult.
  • Teach me to daily taste and see that You are good. I am blessed because I trust in You.
  • Thank You that You give me the privilege, to not only believe in You, but also suffer for Your Name. Teach me to taste Your goodness when I am suffering for Your sake.
  • Father, You are good and Your loving-kindness is better than life, my lips praise You. As I live I bless You. Teach me to bless You always- no matter the circumstances.
  • I lift my hands to You, and bless You. I am satisfied by You. My mouth will praise You joyfully when I think about Your goodness.
  • When troubles and trials come, teach me to taste Your goodness in midst of the problems and trials.
  • Thank You that Your goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life- because You Lord are my Shepherd. Thank You that Your goodness and mercy follow me today because today is one of the days of my life.
  • Teach me to taste Your goodness and not neglect it or ignore it. I cannot taste Your goodness if my eyes are on the problem or on the trial. Teach me and help me to always look at Jesus and taste of Your goodness.  

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