I want to hear and understand
I want to see and to perceive
For one can hear- not understand
And one can see and not perceive
“You hear indeed- not understand
You see indeed, but don’t perceive”
God told Isaiah to say this
To people who were God’s you see
I want to hear and understand
Lord help me to Your Word hear clearly
Help me not shut my ears to You
Or hear You incorrectly
I want to hear and understand
To understand the Word of God
To not have blockage in my ears
That dull my hearing to God’s Word
I want to see and to perceive
Not only see, but to perceive
To see correctly, in the truth
And to perceive the things of faith
I want to see- not only hear
I want to see the Word of God
Be manifested in my life
I want to see it come to life
And also I want to perceive
Correctly see the things of God
Perceive in faith the things of God
To understand and to perceive
(written 1/8/2025)