When Faith and Obedience Seem Irrational

Miracles happen… but sometimes to see them we need to take a step of obedience in faith!!!

In my case, a step of faith meant to apply to be a sponsor of a Ukrainian refugee in the fall of 2022- when I was financially broke myself. I had less then $28 in my bank account.

Pikes Peak Colorado; Alina and I

Applying to be a sponsor seemed like an irrational thing to do. I had been unemployed for over a year when I applied. I had taken a break from working as a nurse, attended Kingdom Domain College (KDC) in California ( https://www.kdcglobal.org/), went to missions trips to Mexico (see my testimony here: https://imustdecrease.net/lessons-from-missions-trip-to-mexico/), twice to Ethiopia , and to Poland/Ukraine.

I had plans to work after KDC, but the Lord sent me back to Ukraine for two months as a war-time volunteer/ evangelist. You can read about my testimonies in Ukraine here: https://imustdecrease.net/overcoming-fear-during-war/ and here: https://imustdecrease.net/god-can-open-doors/

I was in such a difficult financial situation when I came back to Florida, that I could not even afford gas for my car. I was very thankful that my Dad often blessed me by filling up my gas tank. There were obstacles to getting a job in Florida, and I only had peace about getting a job in Colorado.

Applying to be a Ukrainian Refugee Sponsor

Borodyanka, Ukraine July 2022;
Few minutes from these buildings was a campsite where Alina and I both volunteered and brought hope to war-traumatized children

The first thought that came to my mind when I realized that I might have to apply to be a Ukrainian refugee sponsor was, “This would be such an inconvenient time to have a refugee living with me…

I was financially broke, about to move to Colorado to attend Charis Bible College and would need an apartment, furniture, kitchen supplies, etc. “I would be struggling myself“, I thought, How could I have a refugee also?

But as soon as I thought that, the Lord told me, “Christians in Ukraine inconvenience themselves a lot more than you ever will for refugees. You will be OK”. I knew that was the truth. When I was in Ukraine as a war time volunteer, I have seen how Christians in Ukraine have opened up their homes to host refugees who were leaving more dangerous areas- no matter how inconvenient it was for them.

After having this reassurance from the Lord, that I would be OK- I had peace about applying to be a sponsor. I knew the Lord would take care of us…

The Lord placed it on my heart to begin the process of applying to be a Ukrainian refugee sponsor the day I received a job offer in Colorado. When I started to apply and got to the part where I needed to submit an official letter from my bank showing how much money I had, I got very discouraged. I also became very ashamed that I had so little money. I stopped doing the application because I felt hopeless at first. It took me about 3 days to get over the shame and go to the bank for that letter that was required.

This is a clip from my official bank letter that I submitted to USCIS to become a Ukrainian refugee sponsor.

As I was finishing up the application to be a sponsor, I received this firm assurance in my spirit that miraculously doors would be opened up for me and I would be approved as a sponsor- thought it seemed totally unrealistic. After all logic was telling me a job offer and only $27.58 was not enough to be a sponsor.

I was so financially broke, that I had to borrow money to move from Florida to Colorado. And yet, in a little over a month after moving to Colorado- Alina came to join me. Alina came from Ukraine by faith- not because she was afraid of the war, but because the Lord had sent her here.

Going to America by Faith

Last year, when I went to Ukraine by faith, I bought one way ticket to Poland. The reality was that I did not have the money to get back to America. But as soon as my pastor in Jacksonville, FL found out that I had only one way ticket- he offered to pay for my ticket back to U.S. This was a huge blessing for me which I gladly received.

The Lord laid it on my heart to buy the airline ticket for Alina- for her to come to America- before I even had the money to do so- and when I was still in-debt by self. When I received my first paycheck in Colorado, that same day the Lord reminded me that I needed to get tickets for Alina. But the first tickets that I got her were only to New York.

This is in Borodyanka, Ukraine (A city that was heavily bombed), where Alina and I both served at children’s camp

I struggled with questions of how long Alina would have to be at New York customs before she is granted the official refugee parole. I did not know if I would have to come to New York for her after all her legal papers said Florida because I was living in Florida when I applied to be her sponsor.

Alina was already in Frankfurt Airport when I sent her her flight information from New York to Colorado! Talk about faith!! Alina began her journey to U.S., being on a plane for the first time, with tickets to New York only, while I lived in Colorado.

The Lord gave me peace at that “last day” moment about which ticket to get to allow enough time at customs and also come to Colorado without being stuck in New York by herself.

How I Met Alina

I met Alina last year when I went to Ukraine as a war-time volunteer. And when the team I was serving with temporary left Ukraine, Alina allowed me to stay at her place for free. We became friends, like sisters, and at that time Alina had no plans to evacuate and leave Ukraine.

This is at Borodyanka, Ukraine children’s Camp July 2022, where both Alina and I served. The building on the background had received damage from the “bomb wave”; a lot of the windows were already replaced, but some were still covered with plastic at the time of the photo.

 It was through Alina that the Lord opened the doors up and I was able to serve at children’s camps at Borodyanka, Ukraine and then with the Christian Mobile Medical Team. This is a team in which Alina was part of and volunteered with for over 4 years- mostly as a volunteer optometrist.

Alina worked as an optometrist and was very involved in a lot of ministries in Ukraine, and many people she was volunteering with and serving with could not understand why she would leave serving her people to come to America. 

The Lord has done many miracles in Alina’s life as she served in God’s Kingdom in Ukraine. Maybe one day she will write a book about everything the Lord has done in her life and how He has led her. Her story is truly amazing and inspirational.

Sent to America to Grow

Alina and I in Ukraine in summer of 2022

Alina might be classified as a Ukrainian refugee, but she did not come to U.S. because she was afraid of living in midst of war. She courageously helped many evacuated Ukrainians. The Lord protected her from a lot of dangerous situations. I believe she is here in U.S. simply because the Lord sent her here- to prepare her for greater things He has in store for her.

On the 3rd day in America, she came as a visitor to Charis Bible College with us.  The Lord miraculously opened doors and she has been allowed to come to college! And recently someone paid for her to get online Charis Bible College education in Russian language also! So she is doing both- going to classes here in Colorado and online classes in Russian!

She is quickly learning English and since the very beginning the Lord granted her the ability to understand what most of the speakers are saying in college, which is a miracle!!

I truly believe the Lord brought Alina to America, for such a time as this. To prepare her for much greater things that the Lord has in store for her!

Alina’s family is still in Ukraine. She does not have any relatives that she knows in America. And yet the Lord has provided her with brothers and sisters in Christ to be her “family” here in America.

What God Calls Us to Do, He Provides For

Alina and I in Kiev, Ukraine; summer 2022

Many will think it is crazy and irrational to do something like applying to be a sponsor when you are financially broke yourself. But what God calls us to do- He provides for all the things necessary. We simply have to take the risk of obeying!

The Scripture reminds us that God will supply ALL our need!! “But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:19 KJV

I am thankful there were many people who blessed me financially before I moved- but that was only a small fraction of what I needed for the move to Colorado. But by the time Alina came to Colorado, in mid-January, I was already living in an apartment- debt free, and Alina had her own bed waiting for her!

Through the sign-in bonuses that I received from my job, I was able to pay off the huge debt I had accumulated, I paid in full a years tuition for Charis Bible College, and had the money for the many other expenses that were waiting for me. Praise God! He always richly provides for us!!

Through a student at Charis Bible College and his wife, the Lord had provided us with new-looking $7000 white leather couches, and other furniture. Another staff member in Charis also gave us some very much needed furniture. I saw a blessing after a blessing! It was all given and delivered for free!!! God is Good and He truly provides!!

Miracles happen, and sometimes it takes a step of faith to see them!! I have had the privilege of seeing how the Lord is taking care of us! I also have the privilege of seeing God open so many doors for Alina and provide for her! And I am excited to see how the Lord will provide for Alina a much needed car!

Declaimer: Alina was not only OK with me sharing this testimony but also encouraged me to do so! One day I believe she will write in more detail her part of this story and many more amazing stories of what the Lord has done in her life!

The Lord has been speaking to Alina with this verse since couple of months before the war in Ukraine began. The Lord has done many things in Alina’s life that were great and mighty. And one of the latest is bringing her to America and opening doors for her to get more grounded in the Word of God at Charis Bible College! I believe this is only the beginning!
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