In November, I had the privilege of going to a missions trip with Flame of Fire Ministry to Africa- to a country where traveling there is discouraged, do to political unrest. I knew of potential dangers- but I had perfect peace that I needed to be there and I am thankful God protected us.
This was my first mission’s trip overseas, and we faced many obstacles- where things did not go as planned.
If I was to share one thing that really impacted me on the trip, it is seeing in reality how praise/ worship of God is a powerful weapon that can change the atmosphere and open doors that seemed closed shut!
This might sound strange to say, but it was really powerful to see how worshiping/praising God changed things in this trip. The doors that were closed- opened miraculously. Hindrances were removed. All because we did not despair when we faced obstacles but simply worshiped and praised God.
Let me share just one example.
I was part of a group that went to a hospital in Africa to pray for the patients.
Even though our ministry brought much needed medical supplies to that poor hospital- the administration still would not let us go in. Many reasons were given and one was that they were a strictly “non-religions hospital” and therefore they did not want to let us come and pray for the patients.
As we waited in the hallway while our leaders spoke to the hospital administration, and tried to convince them to allow us in- someone in our group started to sing. Soon others joined and we sang praises to God; we sang the song Yeshua and other songs, worshiping God. Our weapon was a melody.
Shortly after we started to sing, we were told that something happened and the administration was allowing us to go into the hospital. The door that was firmly closed suddenly was opened to us.
We split into small groups and went around that hospital and prayed for many patients.
The hospital was very unsanitary- and there were no sinks or hand sanitizers in rooms to clean hands between patients. The many twin sized beds were only few feet away from each other and many patients laid in large rooms just few feet away from each other- with no curtains for privacy. I personally did not see a single pillow in that hospital.
After we prayed for one man, he wept as he told us his story- that he was no longer able to provide for his family while being hospitalized for several months already.
In the women’s ward- mothers who gave birth to a child were in the same room with mothers who miscarried- their beds often next to each other. There were no cribs or cute hats for the newborns. The babies laid with their mothers on twin sized beds, wrapped in blankets.
Most patients welcomed prayers.
One mother who had miscarried her child said she was waiting for us to make our way to her for she felt very depressed and hopeless. She told us that after we prayed for her, she had hope again and was so thankful that we came!
We would not have had an opportunity to be a blessing to these people if that door was not opened to us. And that door was opened by our praise/worship of God.
It might seem strange and weird for civilized people to sing in a hall of a foreign country hospital, but a melody is a powerful weapon!
There were a lot of things that did not go as planned on this trip. There were many obstacles and difficulties. But we prayed, we sang, and praised and worshiped God! He opened doors that seemed firmly shut. He made a way where there seemed to be no way!
Maybe today, you came to a place where you believed you needed to be- but the doors are closed all around you. Maybe you say, I’m supposed to be here- I came to help, I came to be a blessing- but the doors are slammed closed on you. You feel stuck.
In the middle of a storm- will you sing and worship God? Bring the sacrifice of praise even with obstacles all around you. Will you still sing praises to God who can open doors? Will you praise Him and thank Him in midst of your storm?
Thanksgiving has passed and Christmas is around the corner, and maybe you felt like your life is a mess. Maybe the negativity of life has blinded you. You no longer see the goodness of God. You don’t see the many things you can still be thankful for.
The time has come to take our eyes off the difficulties, problems, hindrances and look at the Almighty. Look at the Mighty One. Look at the King. Look at the Conqueror. The One who is able. The One who holds this universe. The Word, the Life, the Truth, The Way, The Holy One, the Righteous One. The one Mighty in Battle.
We get to call this Great God- our Father.
If you don’t know Him or cannot call Him Father, He is inviting you today. God proved His love for you by giving you Himself for you.
Jesus shed His Blood so that your sins can be forgiven and so that you can know God as Your Father. The Father is waiting for you with open arms.
And to all of God’s beloved children, we must learn to worship God in the middle of a storm. Worship, praise and thanksgiving are powerful weapons. Don’t sing songs of lives misery. Sing a song of praise and worship God.
This seems strange for me to write, as I have never been a “singer”. I might sound out of tune to everyone else. But if my heart is in tune with God’s- my melody is a sweet melody to the King. He looks at the heart.
We are more than conquerors through Him that loved us.
“Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us” Romans 8:37 NKJV
Now thanks be to God who always causes us to triumph in Christ (2 Corinthians 2:14).
Problems might try to make us feel hopeless, defeated, and depressed. Don’t bow to problems- bow to God. And sing, worshiping God in the middle of a storm.
Lord, teach us all, and give us grace -to always worship You and praise You, even in the middle of a storm, difficulties, and obstacles in life.
This song “Raise A Hallelujah” was on my heart most of the time while I was in Africa! We sang in the middle of a storm. We raised a Hallelujah in the middle of the enemies and all the obstacles! Our weapon was a melody! And we saw a victory!!